We work Behind the Scenes, so that you can shine out front!
Most of what we do is Buried under NDA’s…. But enjoy some stuff we can show you!!!
Counting Down the days before we can share this!!!
This was a fun one when it started in 2020….This 8’ tall Berry started as a 3D file that was CnC milled from foam, hard-coated, then 2020… It sat in the shop for over a year (every so often uncovering it it check on it and dust if off a bit). So when the call came it was time to paint and finish we where very excited!
Well, 2020 happened…. still projects on the shelf from that. Someday we might get to share them!
When this client called asking us to install a podcast studio into a retired airport shuttle van, we said yea sure… When they told us they wanted to deck it out to look like a campsite, we totally got onboard!
We have been lucky enough to work with Knotts Berry Farm to help bring the main entrance to life!
From design to delivery in 5 days!
Last moment call to make a tour worthy trophy for DWTS, quick designs that turned into 1/6 scale 3D prints to get concepts across. Some design changes and the full size one is in a box in the way to rehearsals! Just another week at ADF!
An amazing photo Opp for the City of Beverly Hills!
Always fun to mix media into a single display..
3D Printed dogs, Vinyl wrapped floor and walls, custom CnC buildings and metal shopping bags, all came together to make this pop up a hit!
Vivamus massa tortor, tincidunt porta hendrerit vel, feugiat sed massa. In nec convallis sem, ac mollis massa. Duis dolor magna, rhoncus at purus ut, efficitur tincidunt velit. Donec quis nulla diam. Nullam ipsum ante, molestie in enim et, maximus sollicitudin odio. Integer consectetur, nisi eu aliquam blandit, justo purus maximus est, in tincidunt nisl nulla sit amet mauris. Vestibulum feugiat sollicitudin leo et interdum. Proin porttitor laoreet consequat. Mauris nibh felis, tincidunt at dapibus ac, mollis at arcu.
Photos of Creations before the inception of ADF